When it Comes to Your Wealth, Full Transparency Matters

We’re committed to providing straightforward pricing for you.

Full transparency

Our annual fee schedule is billed quarterly:

on the first $500,000
on the amount over $500,000, but not greater than $1 million
on the amount over $1 million, but not greater than $2.5 million
on the amount over $2.5 million, but not greater than $5 million
on the amount over $5 million
Flat Annual Fee of $7500.


The above fees do not cover the transaction charges incurred when we buy or sell investments for you. We also avoid investments that charge upfront and deferred sales charges. Our custodian, Charles Schwab, has dramatically reduced transaction costs related to placing trades, so the impact on you should be negligible. 

We purposely select investments that have lower expense ratios and other types of fees that are deducted from your account(s). Plus, we will minimize turnover whenever we can to reduce these expenses. We understand the cost that taxes can have, so we use the most tax-efficient investment vehicles possible. 


Are you ready to experience what financial success looks like for you and your family?

Let us help you bridge the gap between the wealth you have and the wealth you know you deserve.